Abstract Class
Introduction: We will cover the following basic concepts: Basics of Abstract Class . Example Class to understand practical implications . Example program to implement the methods of the class . Why Abstract Class? Lets Start 1. First let us compare Normal Class and Abstract Class. Below comparison will give us a basic understanding of an abstract class . 2. Let us create an Abstract Class example to understand the practical implications. Create an Abstract Class as shown below. LINE 3: To make a class abstract class we need to add the keyword ABSTRACT in the definition section. LINE 6:Let us define an abstract method using the same keyword as above. METHODS :ABSTRACT_METHOD ABSTRACT . LINE7: Define a non-abstract method. METHODS : NORMAL_METHOD. LINE8:Lets try to define a static abstract method. CLASS-METHODS : STATIC_ABSTRACT_METHOD ABSTRACT . Interestingly, we cannot define a static method as an abstract method. This is because stat...